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![]() ![]() ![]() The Past Unfolds
![]() Here lies my fan-fiction "The Past Unfolds." It is my first attempt at fan fiction, but I hope you like it. If you have any ideas on how to make it better, or any comments at all, contact me at [email protected] or sign my guest book on the contact page.
Lady Iris
The Past Unfolds
-21 years ago on a ship in the Mediterranean
"Dearest, I'm so glad we decided to take this vacation with our little boy. The seas have been so calm, and our sweet little baby falls asleep so soundly with the lull of the waves." The woman speaking smiled and looked into her husband's eyes adoringly; her deep blue eyes glittered with happiness, and her dark haired waved in the sea breeze. Her husband wrapped his arm around his wife and said with the same cheerful tone,
"It has been wonderful hasn't it? After all we have been through, we need a little time to spend together and with our darling baby." The couple was standing on a large deck in the front of the ship; the skies were filled with reds, oranges, pinks, and purples as the sun sat, and the couple stood together in complete happiness. The mother's gentle eyes gazed at her sleeping baby and she hummed a sweet lullaby as he slept.
From a dark corner on the deck, a man watched the family with a menacing eye. A cigar hung from his hard mouth, and he grunted as he watched the man and wife.
"D**n political leaders. I'll rip their hearts out when I get the chance. They are always the easiest to kill, but the hardest kills to get away with. Well Mr. J wanted them dead, so that's what I'll do." The watcher thought this to himself as he finished his cigar.
The family walked away after they watched the sun go down. The watcher followed closely behind, being careful to stay in the shadows. He followed the couple until they reached their cabin, carefully catching sight of their room number before he began retreating to his own cabin.
"I'll be back tonight," he whispered to himself as he began on his way.
That night the watcher returned to the couple's cabin. He slowly crept to the door and placed his hand on the knob; however, just as he was about to get his knife out to pick the lock, the ship jolted and the watcher was thrown back onto the floor.
"What the h**l was that?" he said as he rubbed his head. Suddenly he noticed some doors begin to open and barely scrambled away as the man he had been spying on came out of his cabin.
"What just happened?" the man asked a ship mate passing down the hallway who was checking to make sure the passengers were all right.
"It appears the ship has run into a storm, but everything is under control at the moment," the shipmate replied. The man looked somewhat perturbed, and as he stepped back into his cabin to tell his wife what he heard, he felt another jolt and nearly fell down. The baby screamed and the mother said in a trembling voice,
"Dearest, what is happening?" The man went to the bed his wife was sitting on and said,"The ship is caught in a storm, but everything should be okay."
From inside the cabin, the sound of the roaring seas and whipping winds could be heard. The woman hugged her baby tightly,
"I knew it had begun raining about an hour ago, but I didn't know it was this bad." She gently placed her child into a basket and covered him with a blanket. She looked into her husband's eyes and suddenly the lights went out in their cabin.
"Oh, no," she whispered in a worried voice as she grabbed the basket her baby was in. "Don't worry dear," the man said as he helped her stand up.
"Let's see if we can get to the upper level of the ship." The mother tightly held on to the basket her baby was in, and the couple fumbled to the hallway. Some of the other passengers were standing outside holding candles, and many of them were going up to the upper level as well. Lurking around somewhere, even the watcher was making his way to the upper level, careful to be unnoticed.
The creaks of the ship grew louder, and the waves pounded on the decks above. A mass of people made it to the upper level of the ship and remained in the main room. All was silent when a great roaring wave collided with the ship. The passengers were slung to the right of the room as the left side of the ship rose up in the water. Immediately, another wave smashed into the left side again, this time hard enough to flip the ship over. Passengers screamed as the water began pouring in. Slowly the ship bobbed back up on its side, but water continued coming in. The husband and wife clutched the basket which held their precious child. The ship was filling fast with the seawater, and the passengers were making their way out of the exit doors onto what was left of the deck. The husband and wife made it out onto the flooded deck and tried to grab hold of something. All around the ship, the screams of passengers were heard, but most were muffled out with the sound of the waves. Suddenly, a wave hit the deck, and for what seemed like an eternity, the family was submerged under water. The water finally cleared, but when the husband and wife found one another, neither had the basket containing the child. The mother nearly fainted when she realized her baby was gone. The ship was sinking fast, and as the couple grasped each other for the last time, an enormous wave hovered over the ship and then smashed it with one final blow.
Skies were clear the next day as the watcher awakened on a sandy beach. He slowly came to his feet as he looked at his surroundings.
He saw pieces of the ship that had washed ashore and then said in a gruff voice,D**n, we were only a few hundred yards from the mainland."
He looked around a bit more when he noticed a small basket on the sand where the tide was coming in. He walked down over to it and saw what appeared like a sleeping baby inside.
"Well, what the h**l do we have here?" He picked up the child and noticed he was still warm. The watcher thumped the baby on the foot, and when he did, the child began to cry.
"Lucky little ba**tard made it." He fumbled through the basket and found a gold locket beneath the soaked blankets. When he opened it, he saw a picture of the man and woman he had been sent to kill. An angry look formed on his hard face as he looked at the picture.
"They were the only people to ever escape me." Then the watcher looked at the child and smirked.
"I shall have my revenge however." He quickly stuffed the locket into his pocket, and he and the child headed for the nearby town.
Chapter 1
Relena was working on some paper work in her study on a beautiful spring day. She had been working on the peace negotiations for some time now, and hoped to have the preventers over one day to discuss them. While she was caught up in thought, someone knocked on the door.
Relena looked up from her work and said, "Come in."
The butler walked in and announced, "Mr. Trowa Barton is here miss."
"Oh, please show him in." Relena had nearly forgotten that Trowa was coming that afternoon and quickly pushed her work aside to greet him.
"Good afternoon Trowa, I'm glad to see you're here," Relena said cheerfully as she met Trowa. "Please have a seat and I'll send for some tea."
Trowa sat down and began to speak in a calm voice, "How are you doing Relena? Good I hope."
Relena, after sending for the tea, walked over to a nearby table "Oh, busy I suppose, but I'm used to it by now."
"You look a little tired Relena; are you sure you have had enough rest?," Trowa asked in a concerned tone.
"Rest. That sounds so unfamiliar; no there isn't enough hours in the day for much of that."
Trowa got up and walked to the window. The light engulfed his body and a magnificent glow surrounded him. Relena watched this effect with a little amazement.
"Perhaps you should take a vacation somewhere. It sounds like you need one."
"Oh, I don't know Trowa, maybe sometime."
Trowa slowly came out of the sun's luminescence and walked over to Relena. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder "I know you've done a lot, and I know it hasn't been easy, but there's no need to wear yourself out like you've been doing for the past four years."
Relena looked into Trowa's magnificent green eyes; they reminded her of sparkling emeralds. "Perhaps I'll take a trip somewhere for a couple of days."
Suddenly a knock was heard at the door, and the tea was brought in. The two sat down and sipped their tea, not speaking for a couple of minutes.
After a moment, Relena said, "So how are Duo and Wufei? I heard they were at the colonies right now."
"Yes, they have been there for about two weeks now. They should be returning in a day or so however."
"And Quatre, how is he doing?"
"Quatre is doing well. I visited him about a week ago, and he has been enjoying the peace as much as any of us."
The two sat a while longer before Trowa got up to leave.
"I'm sorry I'm running off so quickly, but I have to catch to three o'clock flight. It was good talking to you though Relena."
Relena walked over with Trowa to the door and placed her hand on his.
"Be sure and take care Trowa."
"I will Relena. And you take care as well; be sure to get some rest."
"I hope to see you again soon," Her blue eyes sparkled as she spoke.
"And I you," Trowa replied before exiting.
After he left, Relena went back to her desk and sat down. She gazed out the window and a tear trickled down her face as she began to think about things too painful to express except through tears of sorrow.
Chapter 2
Relena had just finished unpacking her suitcase and sat down to relax in her hotel room. She sat outside on the balcony, and a gentle breeze wisped by tugging her golden strands of hair with it.
"Oh, it feels so good out here. "I'm so glad I decided to come here."
As she was sipping her coffee on the balcony, she flipped through a small brochure the hotel had provided her with. She glanced through the various attractions until the picture of a beautiful park caught her eye. The brochure read, "THE MOST STUNNING PARK IN ALL OF THE SANQ KINGDOM. Gorgeous scenery, crystal clear sitting ponds, and lighted walkways for enjoyment in the evening." Relena gazed at the picture which showed people enjoying themselves with lush trees in the background.
"I would love to go there," Relena said to herself; then she noticed that the location of the park was only a couple of blocks from her hotel room. "Well, with it being so close, I could go now."
After quickly finishing her coffee, Relena pulled her hair up into a French twist, slipped on a pair of black shoes, and after grabbing a book, headed out for the park.
Relena reached the park in no time and was immediately amazed at its beauty.
"The pictures could never do this place justice," she whispered to herself as she continued her stroll down a paved path.
Around her she saw people playing games and families enjoying an afternoon picnic. Even the birds enjoyed themselves dancing in the blue sky and singing cheerfully. Relena gazed at all the trees and magnificent flowers surrounding her as she kept walking along. Suddenly she felt something bump her shoulder, and her book fell to the ground. She quickly bent down to pick it up when she saw another pair of hands helping her. She nervously swept away a few tendrils of hair that had escaped from her bun and looked up at the person who was helping her. In that instant her heart stopped, her book which she had picked up fell back out of her hand, and her eyes froze on the person before her.
"I'm sorry I bumped into you miss," a voice said before he too looked up at the person before him. His glistening blue eyes could not believe what he saw.
"Relena," he finally said.
Relena had by then composed herself and finally found her voice, "Heero is that really you."
They both stood up and looked at each other. The two had both changed from the teenagers they had been when they last met. Heero was wearing a white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a pair of loose fitting khaki slacks. As Relena looked at him, she noticed that he had grown and developed into full man. As Heero gazed at Relena, he too noticed a change. Her face seemed more slender, as did her figure. Her clothes were more refined than what he had remembered; she was wearing a long red skirt that rippled when the wind blew and a gray fitted blouse. A moment or two passed as the two looked at one another.
"It is certainly a surprise to find you here," Heero said somewhat nervously.
"Yes, a surprise indeed." Relena looked at Heero with an inquiring eye, "So how have you been these past few years?"
"Good, I have been doing pretty good; and yourself?"
"Oh, busy I suppose but okay. Actually I'm here for a short vacation, and was just enjoying the scenery when well, I bumped into you."
A slight smile crept up Heero's face. "Would you like to continue walking through the park with me? Maybe you can tell me a little bit about how Duo and the others are doing."
Relena's blue eyes glistened, and she spoke with the utmost composure, "I would love to Heero."
The two walked through the park and Relena told Heero all about the preventers. She told him how Duo and Wufei should be returning back from the colonies soon, and that Trowa and Quatre were doing well. Heero listened intently, and when asked what he had been doing simply replied, "Oh, just attending to some old business is all."
Heero and Relena continued walking until it began getting dark, and they decided to sit down on a lighted bench.
"I suppose the peace has kept everything under control," Heero commented.
"Yes, but I still think…oh never mind."
"You still think that it's too peaceful," Heero said and glanced at Relena's face.
When she heard this, she gazed into Heero's face and said, "Yes, that is exactly what I think."
She glanced away before continuing, "I don't know what it is, but I know there is something there keeping me from ease."
"Don't worry too much about it Relena; you will know what to do when whatever it is comes."
Relena relieved a deep breath and looked up at the sky. The stars were twinkling brightly, and the cool air felt good against her face. Heero and Relena remained there a while longer staring into the night sky before Heero walked her back to her hotel.
"Good night Heero. It was good to see you again."
Heero nodded slightly then said, "Good night."
Then he walked away slowly, but before he left said, "Perhaps we will meet again."
Chapter 3
The next morning, Relena awoke refreshed and longed for what the new day would bring. She quickly showered then slipped on a dark teal tank top and a pair of black slacks. As she was getting ready, she decided to leave her hair down. She began to think about the previous day's events as she sat down and combed through her golden hair.
"Heero has changed somewhat, but still seems the same. It's something about his attitude, but I just can't quite point it out."
As Relena was thinking about this, the phone rang. She quickly picked it up and said, "Hello."
On the other end, a person replied, "Phone call from a Mr. Yuy." When these words were spoken, Relena's pulse quickened and she replied, "I accept the call."
"Hello. Relena."
"Hello Heero. Good morning."
"Relena, I thought perhaps we could grab some lunch together."
Relena paused a moment as her mind raced. "That would be nice Heero, but why... Oh never mind."
"Good, meet me at Parker's at 1 o'clock."
"Meet you there."
Relena hung up the phone and sat back down in a nearby chair. "So we are to meet again. I wonder what this meeting will bring."
That afternoon, Relena met Heero at the restaurant, and the two sat down at a small table on a patio. They ordered their food and drinks, and after the waiter left, began talking.
"It's a beautiful day, isn't it."
Heero looked around a moment before replying, "I hadn't really thought about it, but I suppose it is."
Relena gazed at Heero's face. Every detail seemed so perfect. Then she said, "I bet the preventers would be thrilled to see you Heero. It has been so long since you have seen each other."
Heero turned his head and looked out into the ocean. "Yes, I suppose it would be nice to see their faces again."
"Why don't you?"
At this question, he paused a moment; he looked into the sky and said, "I guess I thought they would be too busy and/or I would be too busy to meet with them."
"That could present a problem." Relena thought a minute before remembering, "Heero, the all of the preventers are coming to have dinner with me tomorrow evening. You could see them then if you weren't too 'busy'." Relena said this last statement with emphasis.
Heero's brow raised and he replied, "I'll think about it."
The waiter then arrived with their meals and no further discussion was commenced about the preventers and Heero coming to meet them. Heero and Relena mostly discussed political relationships between the colonies and earth, and Relena told Heero about what she had been doing for the past four years. Heero didn't have much to say, but listened intently to Relena and was interested in many of her ideas for maintaining peace. He also didn't mind gazing at her fresh face occasionally and catching that sparkle in her eyes when she discussed something that she felt deeply about.
Heero thought to himself, "She is very different from the girl I left behind."
The two finally finished their lunch and said good-bye.
"It was a pleasure having lunch with you Heero."
"As with you."
Heero and Relena shook hands and then parted. Relena returned to her hotel with a full mind and soul, and Heero left content with what had passed that day; however, a look of uncertainty flashed in his eyes occasionally.
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